Monday, October 19, 2009

Wondering about wandering

While visiting the little-known Olmec archeological site of Chalcatzingo last weekend, I came across this old Ceiba tree whose roots are crawling along the rock crag, desperately looking for some soil to dig in and feed.

Being so remote and deserted, the site had some cryptic grain of magic, which might have contributed to the burst of thoughts that hit me when I saw those winding roots.

How long can those roots extend their limbs before dying, dried and starving? What hunger is strong enough to compel them to undertake such uncertain journey along this endless parched rock? What’s the point?

At that moment, I felt I was like those roots. I’ve been away from home for a while now, leaving behind everything that was known, easy and comfortable. Am I running after something or fleeing away from something? Is there something at the end of the quest? Shouldn’t I get closer to what matters most: family? And more importantly: shouldn’t I also settle down and start a family myself? Isn’t it quite egoistic to keep seizing the day and not giving back at some point? Well… am I not sounding a bit too religious now?...

Anyway, this was questioning time…

But shortly after, once I made it to the top of the hill overhanging the archeological site, I had cleared my mind from those doubts. Only sure thing: coming back to the comfort zone is not for tomorrow.

To be continued…