Wednesday, August 30, 2006

PADI-ing hard!

Thursday, the 31st of August is the Malaysian national day, called Merdeka (= independence). Of course Thursday is public holidays. I took a day off Friday, so that I can make it to the Perhentian Islands over this 4 days week-end. Great opportunity to go for my PADI OpenWater certification. Purpose: being able to rent diving gear and dive by myself!

This is for the fun part. Now, the PADI exam requires a lot a reading ahead of time. Nitrogen pressure, thermocline, Archimedes principle, buoyancy control... WTF?? Reminds me of my Physics classes a loooong time ago! So definitely I can say that I am paddling hard with it...


Anonymous said...

Welcome in the bloggin world man. May the force be with you. Need help? Im here.

I try to not remember to much the perhentian for the moment as I prefer forgetting about my Malaysian souvenir for a little while :-)

Take care.

Remi said...

Gosh you're fast! I didn't tell anybody abt this blog, how did you find me?

Anyway, I'm sure your new life starting just now won't leave you much time for the spleen! Cheers!