Thursday, August 23, 2007

No need to push mah, just call lah!

After more than one year spent in KL I noticed that there are phone numbers painted on almost all the sign-posts, streetlights and stop lights in KL, but until yesterday I never had the curiosity to call and figure out whose number it was.

Yesterday, Marie's bike had a flat tire. I came to help and we were getting ready to push the bike over few blocks to reach a nearby garage. It was about noon, temperature was 35°C, that would have been hell! So I asked a guy passing by if he knew a bike shop closer than the one I was thinking about.

He answered: "no need to push mah, just call lah!", and he finger pointed a streetlight... He explained that repairmen write their phone number on all the streetlights within the area they cover!! One can call and get service 24/7 within 10 to 15 min ;-) But you need to speak Malay to give your location since bike repairmen usually don't speak a word of English...

Half an hour and twenty ringgits later, we were on the road again!

Way to go!...


kekure said...

Hey Remi..
how are u?
well u definitely covered more Malaysia than I do :P

Remi said...

Hi Kekure: there are still tons of facts that I have to discover about M'sia!!!

V said...

Good to know, mah !
Cause I'm not that much on the motor biking pushing mah ...
And that's pretty heavy a Jaguh, lah !

Remi said...

Wat ya takin' about mah? Jaguh never fail, ya know!?!?