To make up with my long silence, here is breaking news: my assignment in Malaysia is over and after more than two years spent in Asia it’s time to move on. My next home will in Mexico, Mexico City!!! I have been looking forward to settle there ever since I set foot in this country for a short trip over spring break few years back as I was student in the USA. Besides I got pals over there who can’t seem to stop filling me on how top notch their life is…
The plan is: my assignment in Kuala Lumpur ends by end of this week. I'm then off for a quick 10 days break in Laos (it was a tough call to pick up a destination for this last trip in Asia), and back in KL for a few days, time for me to do some paperwork with the Mexican embassy. And then on the 14th of July: en route to Mexico! That's gonna be the longest flight in my life! 24h with connecting flights in Taipei and Los Angeles...
Marie and I can’t wait to re-unite with Latinos culture, live in a city where it is actually possible to enjoy walking to go from point A to point B and where buildings have decades or centuries of history… Of course I’m not gonna sugarcoat it and I also know we will step in one the biggest, most polluted and possibly dangerous cities in the world. But if we survived it once, we should be able to survive it again!
Wow, ¡México! ¡Llego!